
VanEck has launched “The investment case for Bitcoin”

VanEck, a provider of exchange funds with a $ 50 billion asset, defines Bitcoin as having monetary value, rather than intrinsic value. The researchers said Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies outperformed gold in a number of important areas. Bitcoin, the combination of durability, scarcity, privacy, and its nature as an unnamed asset all contribute to keeping its value for money.

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The increase in scarcity – and in turn the value of the currency brought on by halving – has been one of the drivers of Bitcoin growth in history.

VanEck emphasized in their report how the currency can increase portfolio diversification because of its low correlation with traditional asset classes, including broad market equity indices, bonds, and gold.

According to their research, a small allocation to Bitcoin significantly enhanced the cumulative returns of 60% of equity and 40% of the bond portfolio allocation mix while minimizing its volatility.

Bitcoin is not a great payment system but is certainly better than artwork and gold. Bitcoin excels at portability, scarcity, durability, security, transactability, divisibility and lack of government association. It also earns money capable of being smart or programming for the first time.

While the Bitcoin industry is booming, investing in crypto assets still involves a lot of risks, including hacking of trading platforms and participants in the life cycle of a trade, price volatility, encryption vulnerability, governance shortcomings, and others

A number of applications are being built on Bitcoin and there is a natural development going on. Sidechains could be the next step in promoting Bitcoin adoption. The Lightning Network pushes the boundaries of Bitcoin payment capabilities with faster speeds and lower costs. Microsoft works to build a decentralized identity platform on the Bitcoin blockchain.

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