
Ethereum fees down 53% in 20 days

Ethereum average network fee has dropped to a 30-day low of 0.0096 ETH ($24.64) per transaction. Median-sized fees (MSF) are also lower today, from $8.37 to $10.82 per transaction, the lows since Jan. 1.

ASF on Ethereum. Source: bitinfocharts.com

The average-sized fee (ASF) on Ethereum hasn’t touched this low since January 1, 2022, with each transfer costing $25.75. Ethereum fees hit a high on Jan. 10, at $52.46 per transaction, and today’s ASF is 53.03% below the high.

The MSF on Ethereum is also lower today, as the MSF on Jan. 10 was $29.92 per transfer.
Statistics show that MSF on Ethereum today is between $8.37 and $10.82 which is 63.83% lower than it was on Jan. 10.

MSF on Ethereum. Source: bitinfocharts.com

Ll2fees.info figures show that MSF on Ethereum today is $8.37 to send ETH, $19.14 to send tokens, and to swap tokens costs $41.87. Polygon Hermez is L2 with the cheapest transaction fee today at $0.25 per transfer.

Loopring’s fee is $0.29, Zksync’s $0.37, Optimistic’s $1.75, Arbitrum’s $1.91, and Boba Network L2 costs $2.24 per transfer. To swap tokens, Loopring costs $0.65, Zksync’s $0.90, Optimistic’s $2.58, Boba Network’s $2.94, and Arbitrum’s $3.30 per transaction.

ASF on Ethereum has been no less than $1 since mid-November 2020. MSF on Ethereum was also under $1 per transfer at the time.

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