
China’s Shanghai city launches ini­tia­tive to ex­plore blockchain ap­pli­ca­tion

A new ini­tia­tive in Shang­hai, the largest city of China, will seek to bet­ter ex­plore the ap­pli­ca­tion of blockchain tech­nolo­gies to the fi­nance and con­struc­tion sec­tors.

On 2 Sep­tem­ber the Shang­hai Shutu Blockchain Re­search In­sti­tute ex­e­cuted strate­gic co­op­er­a­tive agree­ments with the Shang­hai Con­struc­tion Acad­emy and Shang­hai Pudong De­vel­op­ment Bank.

Un­der the agree­ments Shutu will work to­gether with the Shang­hai Con­struc­tion Acad­emy on the ap­pli­ca­tion of blockchain tech­nol­ogy to build­ing life­cy­cle man­age­ment, and with SPD Bank on its ap­pli­ca­tions to pledge by ware­house re­ceipts, de­posit cer­tifi­cates and trace­abil­ity.

Shang­hai Shutu Blockchain Re­search In­sti­tute of­fi­cially un­veiled its build­ing placque in Jan­u­ary 2020, and its chief sci­en­tist is An­drew Yao, a lead­ing Chi­nese com­puter sci­en­tist who is a win­ner of the Tur­ing Award.

Source: China Banking News

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